An aviation enthusiast since her high school years, Junior Material Controller at SmartLynx Airlines, Khyati Prashant Panchal, always dreamt of studying engineering. When faced with the decision to choose the main field of interest, Khyati “realized that it had to be specifically in aviation.” Here she is now — successfully building her career in the industry for almost 1.5 years. And it all began with one internship.

“I would say with utmost confidence that it indeed was a very valuable experience and a good start for my career. The skills I acquired during this internship were data management, documentation, and attention to confidentiality,” says Khyati.

Khyati’s internship at SmartLynx Airlines was divided mainly between the technical records and logistics departments, which helped her become well-rounded in both areas. While in the technical records department, she learned mostly about tracking components, technical documents, and the importance of maintaining technical archives; in logistics, she got to know more about suppliers and arranging shipment documents and orders.

At the end of her internship, Khyati was actively looking for job opportunities when SmartLynx Airlines offered her a part-time Junior Material Controller position. Her dedication paid off, and she has stayed there ever since. One of the aspects Khyati enjoys most about her role is the possibility to collaborate with experienced professionals, which allows her “to gain more technical knowledge and skills.” However, balancing her studies with part-time work remains Khyati’s biggest challenge.

Khyati considers gaining the trust and confidence of her superiors as her greatest success. The culture at Avia Solutions Group has also left a positive impression on Khyati, “It’s very professional yet so friendly, which is really amazing. My colleagues are all lovely people.”

When asked to share an interesting aviation-related fact that she learned during her internship, Khyati thinks of two things. “The fact that I find fascinating is that even in the office, my colleagues converse using the pilot alphabet. Another topic that interests me a lot is the ACMI industry, which is commonly unknown outside of the aviation industry.”

We’re grateful to Khyati for sharing her story and being an inspiring example for others. We’re sure her current position at SmartLynx Airlines is just the beginning, and we wish her the best of luck!